Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship

Exceeding Expectations: Eleven Years of Growth Street

🎉 Celebrating 11 Years of Growth Street 🚀

by Michelle Heath

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
– Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken is my favorite poem. As a junior in high school, I learned to love poetry. When I first read this poem it was an assignment – I read it and handed in my paper. My teacher called me after class. She asked me to take my answer further. I didn’t know what she meant. She said: “Question every word – what was Frost thinking, feeling? Imagine him standing in the woods – what did he see? What do the words mean?” I had no clue what she meant.

That day, I went home and asked myself the questions as I read the words and started annotating the poem. Slowly, my perspective changed. I started seeing new meaning in Frost’s words. Every word carefully chosen. All these years later, when I read this poem I think to myself: What if I had stayed on the corporate ladder? What if I didn’t start Growth Street? How has taking the road less traveled by made a difference to me? To my life? My family? My clients? My legacy? I’m still figuring it out!

Reflecting on this milestone, I’m thinking about the experiences, challenges, highs and lows that have shaped the journey. Join me in reflecting on 11 and…enjoy the adventure!

1️⃣ Change is opportunity:

Embrace it! When you’re evolving and adapting, you’re moving forward. Look for ways to reframe change as a positive. Pivot position is the power position!

2️⃣ Take the road less traveled:

It makes all the difference!

3️⃣ Experiment fast:

Sprint and test, fast. Time-box, state your hypothesis, align the team and…GO! Sprinting gets to data and learnings faster.

4️⃣ Do you:

Don’t get caught up in what works for everyone else. It’s gotta work for you and your life (5am workouts and ice baths do NOT work for me!)

5️⃣ Keep good company:

Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, friends, colleagues who are invested in you and where you are invested in them. Don’t let people drag you down or hold you back!

6️⃣ Trust your gut:

It’s usually right.

7️⃣ Avoid the echo chamber:

Get out of your own head. Talk to customers, get outside perspective, ask for feedback. Internal consensus without external validation = an echo.

8️⃣ Simplify simplify simplify:

Take it to it’s simplest unit. Clarity creates simplicity and makes it easier to get everyone rowing in the same direction.

9️⃣ Celebrate wins big and small:

Recognize even the small milestones and achievements to inspire people and keep the relentless optimism going!

🔟 Walk the talk:

It’s not enough to write your mission or core values on a piece of paper – bring it to life, set the example and walk the talk!

1️⃣1️⃣ Giddy up!

Growing a business is full of twists and turns – one minute you’re up, the next you’re down. Don’t let the lows get you down – keep going! Keep learning. Share your vision and let it inspire and drive you and your team through the highs and lows.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more years of innovation, growth, and success!

And, as always…GIDDY UP! 🚀


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