Customer Mindset

Getting Into Your Customer’s Brain: Customer Mindset 101

How do you get into your customer’s brain?

A few months ago, the A Team was working with a client with a marketing problem. Their go-to-market wasn’t going according to plan, and they couldn’t figure out why or what to do to fix it.

The good news? We’ve seen this problem before and knew just how to solve it. 99.9% of go-to-market problems we see turn out to be customer mindset problems after all is said and done — in other words, our clients struggle with getting into their customer’s brain.

Customer Mindset 101

Could your company be facing the same issue?

If you’re pumping out email messaging, social media posts, paid advertisements — or whatever your channels and tactics are — that aren’t …

  1. WHERE your customers look for information, visit, or participate
  2. WHAT your customer need to see or hear in their own words to trigger a response, or
  3. WHY your brand is uniquely positioned to solve their problem

… then you’re wasting your time, money, and hard effort throwing spaghetti against the wall. Eventually, something might stick — but it won’t be permanent, and it won’t be easily repeatable.

The Bottom Line

Instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, try one of these three strategies to get your go-to-market going:

  1. 1:1 customer interviews: Ask questions, understand customer motivators, and go deep on intent & drivers of purchase behavior.
  2. Persona rebuild: Refine customer personas to be real, usable sales and marketing tools instead of vanity metrics.
  3. Mindset workshop: Channel those newly refined personas to surface ideas that will truly connect to your target buyers.

Long story short: when your go-to-market isn’t working properly, dig your way into your customer’s brain and channel the customer mindset. It’s hard work, but it works — and helps to make you brand-led.

How do you get into the head of your customer?

Giddy Up!

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